Sunday 4 July 2010

Blaise *ahem* Castle

Where to start? Well for one when i found out I was to be taken to a place called "Blaise Castle" I imagined something a little more grandiose than the turretlet I was presented with. I've seen a few castles in my time and this was somewhat diminutive in its stature.

I was accompanied once again by Banshee and Undead Medic as they like to be called here. We arrived at a car-park adjacent to a play area that was teeming with potential Teddy-abusers, A.K.A Kids. Luckily I was spared the indignation of torn seams and leaky stuffing by the fact that we headed straight for the nearby hill, atop which, I was duly informed stood the "Castle" itself.

What a long hike for a picnic! Banshee almost got us lost but we soon found our way thanks to my Dragon-like skills of navigation.

By the time we sat down the sky was looking distinctly grey, we waited for Our fellow diners to join us we had just about enough time once they arrived to have our lunch before it beagan to rain.

We repaired to the shelter of the now open turretlet. and were informed of its previous lavish interior which was singed (By one of my relatives no doubt) sometime in the last century.
The view from the top must have been pretty good in the days before the trees grew up around the tower, I could see my native Wales, *sniff* and both Severn Bridges.

We took in the view for a while before beginning the walk back down to the car-park and our awaiting charriot.

I must say that with all this rain malarkey it is good that I haven't yet got my suits, as they would need a good Dry-Cleaning by now.

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