Saturday 9 June 2012

CollectorMania Milton Keynes, Bletchley Park and Oxford

Last year, when going to CollectorMania Milton Keynes, Undead Medic and Banshee spotted it is very near Bletchley Park. You know, that oh-so-secret place where the codebreakers worked during what humans call "World War II". So, this year they decided to stay a bit longer and go for a visit.

Rhys, Tosh and I were left guarding Teddyprise, but from the little bit we saw and what I'm told, it is a very interesting place. They have a rebuilt Bombe (the machines they used to figure out the daily setting of the Enigma machines) and a rebuilt Colossus (the first programmable computer). I think Banshee got a bit emotional at the thought that, if it weren't for Colossus, her job wouldn't exist today. It is a good thing that tickets allow you to go back as often as you want for a year... I suspect we'll be going back quite a lot this year!

There was also an almost last minute plan of visiting Oxford. I wanted to go to the Bodleian library, to visit a dragon I used to know who worked there. Apparently he was fired on account of that breaking the "no flames in the library" rule... Undead Medic and Banshee were allowed in, and took a lot of lovely photos. I still think it is a bit dragonist not to allow dragons in...

There were also lots of colleges, churches, the Ashmolean museum, little alleys, a lovely Spanish tapas restaurant, a castle and a lot of walking.

Now we're back home, and Undead Medic and Banshee are already thinking of going back to Bletchley Park if they don't go to LFCC next month...

Sunday 27 May 2012

I can't believe this...

It's been over a year since anybody updated this blog. I can't believe this! I keep making all these notes and giving them to Undead Medic and Banshee to type up and post, and nobody has bothered to put them all up.


So, here I am, jumping up and down on this "keyboard" thing, doing my own updates.

Where have we been over the last year, after we went to Kernow?

We went to Milton Keynes for this Collectormania event on the last weekend of May. Undead Medic and Banshee often take the train to go to these things, but in this case they took the car (sorry, "Teddyprise", he gets offended if people don't use his name, apparently) and drove all the way over. We met lots of lovely people, including Anthony Head and Alex Kingston and lots of people from the "Star Trek" days.

We also met another lovely dragon, Tosh the Purple Dragon. She's not Welsh herself, but she has Welsh ancestry, so she was more than happy to join our dragon family. She's still a young dragon, but she's very wise for her age. No, I'm not just saying that because she'll have my fur if I don't, she really is clever!

We also went back to London for "London Film and Comic Con" in July. It was quite hot, but nothing as bad as it was in October when we went back for "Entertainment Media Show". And none of these hotels have showers for dragons!

There were also trips to Cardiff to see this "Blue Gillespie" band, but we didn't go to all of them.

And there was also a trip to London in December, to a Dickensian Christmas with James Marsters that saw Banshee wearing her Victorian best, form petticoats and long skirts to corset and long gloves. She did remind me of times gone by, when that was everyday garb!

This year we haven't been to many places yet. We went to London for a few days, but it was very, very cold (even with my fur). We did manage to see the Tower (which has changed since I last was there), and walked along the high walkways of Tower Bridge. It was a great visit, despite the snow!

We went to Wales a couple of times. The first one was to  Caerphilly Castle, which brings back a lot of memories. I used to know a dragon that lived there, and I used to visit quite regularly. It was Tosh's first time in Wales, and she enjoyed it, despite Rhys the Dragon dragging us all to meet his grandma...

 The second time we went to a Blue Gillespie gig on May 4th, and we finally got to go to the gig! I have to say, I love the album artworks and matching tshirt, I think I recognise the hydra that posed for it! We also popped to Penarth (Banshee had been wanting to go there for a long time, to see one of the Torchwood locations), but it was very cold, and we ended up coming back home quite quickly.

We also went to Peterborough, once again in Teddyprise, to The Greatest Show In The Galaxy, where we met all the Torchwood cast and a lot of other famous people. Naoko Mori looked very touched when she met Tosh the Dragon and found out about her name!

And yesterday we went to Slimbridge, where there were a lot of lovely birds, and swans, and geese. I might have had a swanBQ, but it was not and endangered species, so I hope nobody minds!

Now we're gettting ready to go to Collectormania again, and apparently we'll be stopping a few days at Oxford. I haven't been there for a long time, it'll be good to see how it has changed!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have words with Undead Medic and Banshee about keeping this blog up to date.