Friday 29 April 2011


It's been a while since I updated the blog, mostly because both UndeadMedic and Banshee have been "too busy to help with the typing", and, as you might imagine, typing with dragon paws on a keyboard designed for humans is... complicated.

After a lot of talk about going to Kernow (Cornwall, for those of you who don't remember the ancient languages), everything was finally arranged to take a trip there during this wonderful holiday-week. We set down on Monday morning, very very early, in our new carriage, the car known as Teddyprise (the name is supposed to be a reference to that sci-fi show that some of you might have heard of, "Star Trek"). It was the first long trip for Teddyprise so it was a bit new and exciting for everybody. Although I still don't understand why there are no seat belts for dragons in the back seat - one or two times on the M5 Rhys and I almost landed on the floor. Banshee got a bit annoyed at some of the other drivers, for not using their indicators. I have to say, this wouldn't happen if we used some more appropriate and dragon-like methods of transport, but, unfortunately, all my big cousins capable of carrying two humans, two dragons of Rhys's and my stature, and all the bags and hats and coats that humans need for four days away were too busy to take us...

We drove through five counties: Bristol, South Gloucester, Somerset, beautiful Devon and then finally Kernow! I haven't been there for a long time (last time I was there, the steam trains hadn't arrived yet, and there were a lot less bridges and a lot less big roads), and it was good to be in such a dragon-y territory. Lots of famous dragons come from Cornwall, and a lot of them still live there! Although most of them seemed to be away when I popped in for a visit.

We spent Monday afternoon driving around, and parked for a little picnic in Mevagissey, a little harbour town with lots of character and very hard to drive around, so Teddyprise had to wait in the car park. Unfortunately, due no doubt to a misunderstanding, Rhys and I were also left in the car, and therefore missed most of the visit, and the ice cream and cream tea, which were apparently very good.

Then we headed to the hotel, checked in and sorted everything in the room. Rhys and I decided to stay in the room and make sure everything was in order, and also spent some time checking out the local produce (I found a lovely lamb called "Dinner", but for some reason it refused to come over when I called after it...). UndeadMedic and Banshee went out again and I've been told there was a lot more driving around, sitting on beaches enjoying the sun and the chilli wind and generally relaxing around. Banshee mentioned everybody should get the chance to get to the seaside every so often, to relax and contemplate and enjoy the sounds of the waves and realise that, after all, we are small tenants of the planet and should keep that in mind.

Tuesday started at Tintagel, which used to be the home of one of my friends a few thousand years ago - the castle was build shortly after he moved out. It has some impressive views over the sea, some really steep steps. UndeadMedic took some really good photos of the castle, the sea, and Banshee in some of her knitted shawls. At least she had the good sense to wear sensible footwear and clothing in the climb up to the castle, and change into a long dress and corset at the top... I had visions of Rhys and myself having to fly down to rescue her if she tried to climb those steps in that dress...

Banshee spotted a large collection of satellite dishes from Tintagel Castle, which turns out to be GCHQ Bude. Quite an incongruous sight from such an ancient place.

After some pasties in Tintagel, we set off to Bude, sat on the beach and enjoyed the weather. It was apparently quite chilli for humans as the sun started to set. I keep telling them they need to get a decent fur rather than have such problem with clothing, but nobody seems to listen to me...

UndeadMedic and Banshee had fish and chips for dinner in a posh fish and chips place in Padstow. It was, apparently, what fish and chips should be, but nothing exceptional. Rhys and I went out for some lovely Cornish lamb.

Wednesday started with a looooooong drive to Land's End. I never understood why they call it Land's End, dragons have always known there was more land on the other end of the water! Still, it is an impressive sight, all sea and rough cliffs and wind. It brings back memories from my younger years, when Land's End was a common place for young dragons to get together and have some dragon ale...

After a lot of walking, some knitting of the "Socks at the end of the world", as Banshee now calls them, and a lot of wind, we headed off for Minack theatre. If you haven't seen it, seriously, you should organise a visit as soon as possible. It has some gorgeous views of the sea below, and the beach in Porthcurno looks sandy and caribbean, even though we didn't get to go there, or to the Telegraph museum in the village. It's hard to believe such a tiny Cornish village was a hub of communications when telegraph was the quickest means of communication.

Then we sent out to St Michael's Mount. It looks a lot like Mont Saint-Michel in France, and that is because they are sister cities, and the one in Cornwall was founded by the abbot of the one in France. We managed to cross to the island when it was still an island, and had a quick look over the castle and church before they closed. From there, we went to Penzance, which was, being Cornwall, shut (it was after 17.00, of course). So in the end we went to Falmouth, to the other posh fish and chips place, which is, apparently, much better than the one in Padstow.

Driving back to the hotel was interesting. Apparently, according to Banshee, the concept of an "A road" is very variable, particularly in Cornwall, and driving along winding roads with no lights is... well, complicated.

Thursday was a bit of sad day, nobody wanted to leave Cornwall... We tried to get a glimpse of the domes of Eden Project (Banshee likes that sort of thing), but there was no easy place to see them from. In the end, we stopped in Boscastle for a quick photoshoot and some fudge, before driving up the coast of Devon. We also stopped in Clovely, and both UndeadMedic and Banshee managed to go all the way down and climb all the way up without even a misstep!

Now we are back home, have unpacked all my stuff, and I'm just waiting for UndeadMedic to post his pictures, so I can see how good I look in them...